Cost of a Funeral
The average cost of a Funeral in Texas today is between $7500 and $8500 dollars plus the cost of cemetery property plus the labor to open and close the grave. A monument is as little as $500 and can go way up from there. This is average, not bare bones but not an extravagant event either.
At Stepping Stone we are extremely conservative. We have a very nice facility with good equipment to meet anyone’s needs. Our caring staff does a great job without being excessive. Our Director (Aubry) can handle an arrangement conference or be found painting a wall or fixing a sink.
We perform a total care package right here from your first call all the way to the end. The only function we do not actually do here is the cremation (many will let you believe or assume they do unless you ask). We own our equipment, answer our own phones (no answering services), do our own promotions, marketing, printing, building maintenance (for most problems) We clean (no cleaning service) lawn care, landscaping and more to save money and pass the savings to our families. We work very hard here. The results are realized in significant savings. Most other Funeral Homes contract this out and add the costs to your service. At Stepping Stone you get it all including quality and the best of care, you just get it for less.
During a time of loss and grieving no one wants to do competitive price shopping. We understand the stress of finance. Your family may be like ours; it always seems that the unexpected happens at the worst possible time. If you do want to shop around, before you sign a contract make us your last call or stop. We will not ask you for their price. You can get an honest comparison price, but you will also see the facility and most importantly the difference in care. You get our best in everything up front, not a price slash to try to get business. If they slash their price to meet ours you have to wonder what else will they slash to try to make it work.
To us this is not a job but a calling and money is not the end all and be all. When you meet Aubry and hear any part of her story you will see she is not money motivated like so many these days. (Her mission is to help and serve). Yes we need to keep the doors open to serve our community. We however believe service is so much more than just dollars.
Come talk with us, it costs you nothing and we are sure you will leave a friend and at least well informed.